Begin Again

今天晚上本來很想去看Terminator。But Ting-shuan isn’t feeling well. So I decided not to go, and watched Begin Again at home with a projector.

Didn’t know Keira sings so well. Her voice is soft and soothingly penetrating, comforting the very depth of the soul. I like the way she enunciates. Pure British.

It’s been a while since I really did some serious thinking. About the future. I found myself caught up in events and projects after projects.

This is just not healthy, at all. Need to thoroughly change this.

Reset, repace recreate.



We're always meeting new people. But they're actually the very same people you're meeting. Yes, they carry different names, faces, body figures. So? deep inside their bones and spirits they are the very same people you've known for years.

So Lily is the new Violet. Jason is the Nick I used to work with. And history simply repeat itself, with people coming into and leaving your life.


我很幸運,在台中租到生活機能超級好的地方,向上市場附近。這裡不像都市,像是一個很親切安靜的小城鎮。生活很方便,但是我看不到自己在這邊待一輩子的模樣。內心並沒有:this is it! 的吶喊。所以我想,這還不會是最後一次搬家,just not yet.

我很感謝F填滿我感情的生活,從跟她在一起開始到現在,我好像不曾為感情失落或是難過了。i am so lucky to have found her, and , of course, to be found by someone so like me.  I really am a lucky bastard. Sometimes I feel words lost their functionality in our lives. I don't need to explain anything to her, yet all is understood.

All is understood. How nice.
